Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lorem Ipsum Generator

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text used for printing, graphic and web designs. This text has been in used since the 1500s. It get popular in 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. This tool is specifically generated for web designers, webmasters and for others who need lorem ipsum. It is made in the way that everyone can use it. But specially for the projects which need html markup. You can decide which html tags you want and our generator will generate just as you specified.

What does Lorem Ipsum generator tool do?

This Lorem Lpsum tool is best tool for web designers, Graphic designers to create dummy text for all the layout needs. What you need to do is select the language type from the list and after that select whether you want it in word, paragraph or characters, And also select quantity of words. It will generate the result in the format you used. You can also sect the whole text.

Benefits of Lorem Ipsum

One of the main benefits of using Lorem Ipsum is that it can be easily generated, and it takes the pressure off designers to create meaningful text. Instead, they can focus on crafting the best website possible, and add in content after a page has been designed.

If you do not want to use Lorem Ipsum content, then you can use the Article Rewriter tool to get an article published on your website.