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We are trusted by thousands of 澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖 SEO freelancers, websites owners, digital media companies, webmasters, web designers and developers for thousand of websites across the globe to design, develop and promote their search engine ranking performance.

Text & Content Tools

Any content on the Internet is heart of its website and blog. Without a good content and content optimization, you can not rank on Google. Megri Tools has launched a complete set of text and content tools for content writers, webmasters and bloggers to check word count, make an easy spell check, finding duplicate content and article rewriting an easy job.

SEO Tools and SEO Performance Tracking Tools

MegriTools has introduced a collection of Small SEO Tools helping SEO professionals while SEO process like Technical SEO Audit, On Page SEO Optimization with Robots.txt Generator,URL Rewriting, Page Speed, Google Cache and indexing, Site Mobile Friendly Tester SEO Checkup tool like Alexa Rank, Page Authority Checker and more than 50 other tools.

Keywords & Meta Tag Tools

Keywords, Meta titles and Meta Descriptions are major step of OnPage SEo of any site or blog. We have a set of tools like keyword suggestion and advanced keyword suggestion tool, keyword density and position checker and meta tags creation and analyzing tools.

Web Design & Management Tools

A set of complete website design checking, analyzing and web management tools to check your website performance on the Internet. Tools are website screenshot creator, color picker, RGB to HEX converter,screen resolution simulator, favicon creator, and other website management tools like page size checker, Site hit counter, CSS minifier and web page speed checker.

Domain Tools

Megri Small SEO Tools is happy to introduce a complete range of domain tools helping user finding domain availability for single and multiple domains, whois lookup of any domain, domain age finder, domain to IP Converter, reverse IP to domain checker, single domain authority finder and multiple domain authority, page authority checker.

Website Security & Password Management Tools

Website security, creating strong passwords for your personal accounts and using the top level encryption algorithms to secure your personal data from any online threats and viruses is important thing, Megri Tools helps you in finding solution for this with password generator, password strength checker, password encryption utility finder and AVG antivirus checker.

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